Today, on March 11th, 2006, The Grand Lecturer of the Grand Lodge Of Missouri held a school of instruction at the New Masonic Temple which was hosted by Naphtali Lodge #25; over 85 Master Masons were present for this incredible day.
Master Masons met for followship and donuts at 8:00am. Instruction began at 9am with the second section of the third degree. Afterwards there was a break for a lovely lunch and more fellowship. In the afternoon the entire initiation ceremony was practiced. The School of Instruction was organized by Regional Grand Lecturer Right Worshipful Brother Joe W. Johnson. The refreshments were generously provided and served by Brother Johnson's family; including his wife, daughter, and son-and-law who together made this special day a great pleasure for all who attended.
The day ended with a complete and thorough tour of the entire building. It was a tremendous honor to explore this great architectural treasure which has been handed down to us by our forefathers 80 years ago this October.
Please click on the following link to access a photo-gallery of facility. These photographs were uploaded at full resolution, mostly to showcase the amazing stained glass in the commanderie room.
Finally, remember that on this Thursday, March 16th, Naphtali Lodge will be holding its regular meeting at the New Masonic Temple. Master Masons are always welcome. On March 30th Naphtali will hold a special communication to confer two Entered Apprentice Degrees. Master Masons of Missouri and the surrounding area are welcome and invited to sit in lodge while these ancient ceremonies are conducted in this incredible facility.
Remember, Master Masons of Missouri, this building belongs to you! It was built for you by your fathers, and grandfathers, and they left it as a legacy for you to protect. The fastest, and best way to keep this facility alive is simply to sit in lodge with your brother.
To hear the voices of 85 Master Masons in unison sitting in the single blue lodge room (that can hold180) was a glorious thing. Let us not wait for another major event to fill these seats once again. Please feel weclome to share in followship with Naphtali Lodge #25 on the third Thursday of each month in the hopes that the lodge will humbly reflect that order and beauty which reigns forerver before his throne.
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