Napthali Lodge #25 will be holding a special presentation on Thursday, October 19th, 2006 at the New Masonic Temple located at 3681 Lindell Boulevard in Saint Louis. This educational presentation is to mark the 80 year anniversary of the building of this magnificent structure. Napthali lodge was established in 1839; now in its 167th year, and was one of the original tenants in the building. The New Masonic Temple was built by Missouri Masons, through their donations, for a cost of four million dollars. Built to serve the 25,000 Master Masons in the Saint Louis area as well as the Royal Arch, Eastern Star, and Knights Templar it stands today as a monument to the great achievements Masonry made in the past century. It once held the Grand Lodge of Missouri and the personal office of Most Worshipful Grand Master Harry S. Truman.
Next Thursday Brother John W. Ratcliff will be presenting a 30 minute educational lecture about the building of the temple. Using material and photographs from the 1920s the presentation will focus on the great struggle the craft undertook to build this historic monument. Napthali Lodge will open with its regular business meeting promptly at 7pm and try to dispense with essential business briefly. All Master Masons are welcome and invited. Immediately after the business meeting the lodge will be open to guests for the presentation. Spouses, friends, and children are welcome and invited to attend the open presentation and share some light refreshments. Although there will not be a formal tour of the building this is still a great opportunity to see the beautiful lobby and sit in the magnificent blue lodge room where Freemasons have met for 80 years.
It took great dedication and vision to build the temple 80 years ago. Today the temple is a grand monument that has been passed down to us by our fathers and grandfathers. It is worthwhile to honor them and their great achievement simply by continuing to meet in the Blue Lodge room for so long as we can.
If you plan to attend the meeting please send an email to
Brother John W. Ratcliff. We would like to have a general idea how many people to expect to be sure to have enough refreshments.